Day 83

Exercise: 45 min Pilates+cardio
Work: 240 min
Social: 60 min

345 min

Summer term is over. I’m kind Of glad. I got really upset when I read some of my evaluations. I’ve come to the conclusion that there are some people who will never take responsibility for their failure and who never recognize or acknowledge the help someone tries to give them. There were a few students who signed up for an intensive course, didn’t like having to put in the hard work and the complained that my course wasn’t the only thing in their lives and that I did nothing to help them. These are the same people who never met once outside of class despite my advice to make an appointment. These are the people who would leave class for 10 minutes each session. The problem isn’t that my course isn’t the only thug in your life: the problem is that you think that’s an excuse for being lazy and blaming a hard working instructor for the result of your poor choices. I did get many positive comments, my favourite from a student who liked the fact that I was not an easy grader but was always very fair, have valuable feedback, and rewarded effort and hard work. It made me smile to know that even thigh I’m not a crowd pleaser, I get the respect of people who matter.

The next month is going to be about my research and my fitness. I’m going to finish 24,000 minutes before embarking on a new challenge I’ve been considering.

11 weeks

It’s been 11 weeks.! Here are the minutes I have accumulated:

Minutes from Week 1: 1644.

Minutes from Week 2: 2007

Minutes from Week 3: 1790

Minutes from Week 4: 2220

Minutes from Week 5: 1825

Minutes from Week 6: 2022

Minutes from Week 7: 2700

Minutes from Week 8: 1830

Minutes from Week 9: 2238

Minutes from Week 9: 1830

Minutes from Week 10: 2230

Total from Week 11: 1595

Total so far: 22,181

The total minutes required at this point are 18480. It took me a while but I’m almost there.

Day 61

Social: 120 min

Lunch with collaborators/friends on documentary project. We really had a good working relationship. Also Boo Radley meeting. Last one of the semester.

Work: 90 min

Final notes to accompany documentary sent. Work on classroom activities for SLA project.

Total: 210

Day 60

  • Work: 60 min

Write analysis and prepare presentation for final project

  • Social: 120 min

 Lunch with founder of Boo Radley + Dinner with friends.

Particularly enjoyed these two events. I found out that the founder and former president of Boo Radley, a person I find really inspiring, supported my candidacy during deliberations for exec board and thought that I would do a good job. Encouraging.

Total: 180 min